[논문] 해양 환경의 형광용존유기물에 관한 국내 연구 동향(Domestic Research Trends on Fluorescent Dissolved Organic Matter in Marine Environment)
Ocean and Polar Research
Fluorescent dissolved organic matter (FDOM) is referred to organic matter which absorbs efficiently solar radiation energy and fluorescence in the water column. The component and molecular structure of marine organic matter can be changed depending on the various substances and origins of organic matter, and then the organic matter has unique fluorescent properties. As the cutting-edge analytical techniques of optical measurement continuously developing from last few decades, a study on FDOM has been applied as a biogeochemical tracer to quantify the organic matter concentration and to investigate the behaviors and origins of organic matter. Especially, the marine environment around the Korean Peninsula is an ideal research area to study FDOM because of various oceanographic characteristics and the origins of organic matter. This study describes the general properties of FDOM and introduces the cycling and behaviors of marine organic matter based on the domestic research studies.
김정현(Jeonghyun Kim)
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